Re-calibrate Your Life!
July 14 – 19, 2024, Assisi, Italy

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means “circle” and “wholeness”. Working with the Mandala helps us to come to the deep center within us. Here we remember our true priorities and align with the highest purpose of our life journey.
The Labyrinth is an ancient tradition that uses an outer path to bring us to our own center. Whether made of stones on sand or inlaid marble in Chartres Cathedral, a Labyrinth is a circuitous winding path that leads to the center and back. The labyrinth is a walking meditation, a pathway of prayer and an archetypal blueprint of our soul’s long journey.
Each participant will be guided in a process of inwardly centering deep within themselves, while outwardly creating their own unique healing Mandala- a powerful visual tool for clarifying & focusing your life. We will also together create an actual Labyrinth, and experience its power on a magical evening with candlelight and live music.

Facilitated by Dana Lynne Andersen MA

“Dana Lynne Andersen is a multi-modality artist with a Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies (JFKU). A pioneer in the field of Art & Consciousness, she is the founding Director of Awakening Arts Academy (USA) and Arte Spirito; the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness (Italy). She is also the creator of the Transformative ArtsMethod and Certification Program that uses creative process as a vehicle for personal healing and spiritual awakening. Dana has taught and exhibited on three continents.
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