Our Team

The Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness is a labor of love, requiring many hands to make the miracle of our work. 

Each year we have visiting artists who offer a course or show their work in our gallery.  We have a growing faculty of Transformative Arts instructors, students from the world, and lovers of art who come to partake and appreciate…. And we have YOU- interested, curious, stumbling across our words or images – and something in your soul responds.  Follow that little spark!


* Headshot by Andrea

Creative Director, Dana Lynne Andersen

Dana Lynne Andersen has taught and exhibited on three continents. Her paintings have been featured on the covers of books,  magazines and calendars and her artwork, as well as her visionary thinking, have been featured in newspapers, radio and television.
Dana is known as a loving and inspiring teacher,  a ‘vesuvius of creativity’ and as “an important visionary for the consciousness community” (Robert Mc Dermott president emeritus of the California Institute of Integral Studies)  Dana received her bachelor’s degree cum laude in philosophy from Colorado College, and her Master’s Degree in the Study of Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University.  See her work at DanaLynneAndersen.com

In 1986 she founded her first “Transformative Arts Studio” (HeartCore Studio 1986-1989 Berkeley, California) – a nexus for the pioneering integration of Art and Spirituality. In subsequent studios (Tree of Life Studio Denver, Colorado 1989- 1996), and at Ananda Village (1996- to present) she created studio laboraties for the evolution of consciousness through whole brain/whole Being creative process. In 2002 she founded  “Awakening Arts”, an international network of artists committed to the creation of art that is uplifting and transformative. In 2009 she began teaching in Italy and India, establishing The Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness and developing a certification program in Transformative Arts approach.  The Academy has two centers; near Assisi, Italy and Portland, Oregon.


Communications Director, Rachel Ariel Andersen

Rachel Ariel Andersen  is a superb teacher of yoga, energization and meditation.  Both online and onsite she offers classes to our students (as well as via her own yoga channel).  Rachel is also a gifted kirtan leader, singer and musician as well as a facilitator of dance and movement experiences. Students love her dynamic and heart opening energy enlivening so many of our Academy events. 

Her degree in film lends a helpful hand to many of our online classes and promotional videos.  Along with her immense creativity she is also a very good organizer.  We count on her for planning events and overseeing the Academy schedule. Rachel knows Transformative Arts inside out through years of experience.  As our communications director she oversees communications with students – whether in English or Italian. 


Rachel in the GalleryRachel tree pose in the white blossoms