Come for a class or workshop, a retreat, pilgrimage or residency. Help us spread the word- tell your friends, share our posts. Join our community and be a part of the magic!
And please consider offering financial support to Awakening Arts
If end-of-the-year giving is part of your tax plan, consider giving to the Academy. Spontaneous generosity is also very welcome! Every contribution, large or small, nourishes this movement.
Many hands make a miracle!
Awakening Arts is the vanguard of a new consciousness in art & culture. With your help we can blossom and grow!
Our Transformative Arts Programs change lives. The rEVOLUTION of our times is the opening of heart and minds.
Rightly directed creative expression rouses the soul’s passion for truth, beauty and wisdom. We re-calibrate to the Divine frequency at the core of our Being.
Transformative Creative Process activates dormant higher potentials, accessing expanded vision, clarity of purpose and refined intuitive perception. The arts were meant to seed and nourish the evolution of humanity.
Be a part of a new renaissance! Reclaim the noble mission and high purpose of the Arts.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself “What makes you come alive?” And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive” ~ Howard Thurman