Experience the Magic!
Arte Spirito – our studio retreat center in the heart of Umbria, is a magic place where all of the arts are explored and experienced as vehicles for uplifting consciousness.
We play with music and movement, dance and theater, painting, pastel and poetry, clay and collage, mask-making, sculpture, video and film… all the modalites of the arts.
We share inspiration with our local community and online with an international community of artists, patrons and lovers of beauty.
Arte Spirito is a gallery of art, a studio classroom, and a laboratory for visionary ideas.
We are a beyond thought ‘think tank’ for noetic ways of knowing and being.
New worlds demand new stories. At the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness we are pioneering a full spectrum consciousness that includes intuitive, somatic, visual and narrative ways of knowing.
We are a honeyed hive
for artists of vision
who will pollinate the future.