Healing Journey

Arte Spirito in Assisi, Italy Via Montecchio, 61, Nocera Umbra, Perugia, Italy

An Inner Journey of  Self Discovery and Transformation June 30 - July 7 2023 A skillfully and lovingly facilitated journey into the depths of your heart and the heights of your Soul. The creative process is intrinsically healing, and as we follow the messages of Spirit we are led home. All the modalities of the […]


Healing Journey

Arte Spirito in Assisi, Italy Via Montecchio, 61, Nocera Umbra, Perugia, Italy

An Inner Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation July 3 - 10, 2024 A skillfully and lovingly facilitated journey into the depths of your heart and the heights of your Soul. The week includes instruction, close personal guidance and skillfully guided creative process work within an intimate group. Morning and afternoon class sessions plus open studio […]

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