A Week of Creativity and Communion in Nature
Replenish your body, mind & spirit at the wellspring of beauty. Drink in the Prana of Nature and experience the childlike joy of creative play.
- Learn how to paint with freedom and JOY!
- Learn how to create nature installation art
- Learn how to commune and co-create with the intelligence of Nature.

Unleash Your Creativity
What Is Nature Art?

June 23-28, 2024
$470 Includes tuition, studio fees and all materials
Facilitated by Dana Lynne Andersen MA

“Dana Lynne Andersen is a multi-modality artist with a Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies (JFKU). A pioneer in the field of Art & Consciousness, she is the founding Director of Awakening Arts Academy (USA) and Arte Spirito; the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness (Italy). She is also the creator of the Transformative ArtsMethod and Certification Program that uses creative process as a vehicle for personal healing and spiritual awakening. Dana has taught and exhibited on three continents.
CONTACT info@awakeningartsacademy.com